English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

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Comitato consultivo per la lingua inglese

Консультативний комітет для вивчення англійської мови

CComité Asesor de Aprendices de Inglés en la Escuela Primaria Birney

Консультативный комитет по изучению английского языка

Birney ELAC 

The Voice for Multilingual (English) Learners at Birney Elementary

Birney ELAC Members Only Website

District ELAC (DELAC)


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Congratulations! On our ELAC member's advice to the Principal, our school provided additional math support for our students working with Kris Purnell, and earned a math achievement award from SDUSD for our English Learners' Math Scores! Well done ELAC!

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Families...You’re invited to join our English Learner Advisory Committee meeting in the auditorium from 1:00-2:15 before each Family Friday. Your ideas, experience, and volunteer-spirit help to create an engaging, rigorous, and dynamic program and supports for our multilingual families and multilingual English learners here at Birney Elementary. Leadership opportunities and translation are available for families who RSVP to [email protected]

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Elected Members 2024-2025

Jael Guzman, Parent, Co-DELAC Rep

Brianda Alvarez, Parent, Co-DELAC Rep 

Natalia Moscavics, Parent

Oksana Bandina, Parent

Marta Sanchez, Grand-parent

Jennifer Sims, Staff

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everyone is welcome...

 Next ELAC Meeting

09/27/2024 1:00-2:15pm, Auditorium

  • ELAC Member Training
  • School Site Safety Plan - Parent Scripts for Discussing School Safety
  • DELAC Report

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ELAC es para... ¡Todos! 

To nominate yourself to join ELAC or become our District English Learner Advisory Committee Representative email [email protected] 

  • Nominate yourself to become an ELAC Member

-Members have voting rights

-Members are elected annually to serve for one or two years

  -Members receive training to complete legal tasks

  -Members have access to resources on Members Only ELAC website

  -Be the voice for English Learners at Birney Elementary

  • Jael Guzman & Brianda Alvarez are our elected DELAC representatives.
    -attend the DELAC meetings and share important state and local information with our site ELAC.

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Birney Elementary English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) 

The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is an elected body of parents, staff and community members who volunteer and advocate as the voice for our Multilingual (English) Learners.

As a body, the ELAC is responsible for giving specific feedback on the school site plan, site decisions, programs and budget. It is our hope that by focusing on ongoing improvement of English language development through ongoing reflection and revision of teaching and learning we will also improve student engagement, attendance, and achievement for English language learners. By working together to demonstrate value and support for mother-tongue and home-culture, we aim to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all families attending Birney Elementary. For more information about ELAC please contact the office or attend our schedule meetings. Your suggestions, ideas, and experiences are important to us. We look forward to meeting you at our next meeting.

Everyone is welcome but only elected members have voting rights. 

ELAC Commitee Members receive training to be able to review, recommend and set goals to improve EL student achievement at the school as well as advise the principal regarding various programs in the school, including state and federally-funded programs related to Multilingual (English) Learners. 

Meetings: 6-8 times per year

Please contact Jennifer Sims, ELAC Advisor for Birney Elementary for more information. [email protected]

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Thank you to our Past Elected Members:

Marisela Curiel, EL Parent

Areli Lopez, EL Parent

Helen Ghebrehiwet, EL Parent

Koricha Hailemeskel, EL Parent

Oxana Bandina, EL Parent

Emma Ochoa, EL Parent

Brianda Alvarez, DELAC Representative, EL Parent

Jael Guzman, Parent, DELAC Representative

Natalia Moskevics, Parent

Alicia Segura, EL Parent

Fernando Fernandez, EL Parent

Marta Sanchez, Grandparent

Edner Mathurin, EL Parent

Olga Trujillo, RFEP Parent*, SSC Representative

Sara Mayorga, EL Parent*, DELAC Representative

Jennifer Sims, Birney Educator, ELAC Faculty Advisor

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   Birney ELAC 2023-2024 Meeting Documents
(slides linked on Member Website after meeting and emailed to ELAC families via email)

2024/09/27 Agenda/Minutes
2024/08/30 Agenda/Minutes

   Birney ELAC 2023-2024 Meeting Documents
(slides linked on Member Website after meeting and emailed to ELAC families via email)

2024/05/17 Celebrating our Accomplishments
2024/04/19 Agenda - Celebration
2024/03/08 / 02/09 continued Agenda/Minutes
2024/01/12 Agenda/Minutes
2023/10/13 Agenda/Minutes
2023/09/11 Agenda/Minutes


Birney ELAC 2022-2023 Meeting Documents
(slides linked on Member Website after meeting and emailed to ELAC families via email)


03/03/2023 Agenda / Minutes

02/03/2023 Invite/Agenda Minutes 12/09 & 02/03

12/09/2022  (completed vis email - members were not able to attend) 

11/04/2022  Invite /Agenda Minutes (make-up meeting 11/14)

10/07/2022 Invitacion/Invite Agenda Minutes

Birney ELAC 2021-2022 Meeting Documents

10/07/2021 Invite / Agenda
11/09/2021 InviteAgenda Minutes 
02/08/2022 Invite / Agenda Minutes
03/08/2022 Invite / Agenda Minutes
04/12/2022 Invite / Agenda Minutes (Last Meeting of the year)



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