Meals and Snacks in Designated Areas Only

Yum Yummi Daily Menu
Regular intake of nutritious food helps ensure students are physically primed to learn. San Diego Unified School District serves a nutritious breakfast and lunch every school day. Please support your child's learning by making sure your child has access to these meals, along with adequate, healthy snacks.

Food From Home
Please send only nutritious foods for lunch and afternoon snack. We also recommend that you:

  • Avoid highly sweetened or high sodium foods and drinks ("junk food")
  • Avoid sending items such as sugary energy drinks, soda pop, large bags of chips or candy treats.  These may may be confiscated by a school staff member, especially if sharing is attempted
  • Absolutely avoid sending anything in glass containers
  • Tightly wrap and seal everything to avoid ants getting into the food
  • Provide containers that your child(ren) can open easily and independently


  • Sharing of food is not permitted due to the potential for allergic reactions.
  •  Our lunch arbor has a designated "peanut-free" table, but if there are any known allergies, the school nurse and principal must be informed.
  • We ask families to avoid including foods with peanuts in them for the safety of our students. 

Free Meals in the Kid's Choice Café- FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS

All students are eligible to receive a Free Breakfast and Free Lunch provided by the district.


Students are encouraged to eat breakfast every day to give them the opportunity to come to class adequately prepared for learning. Breakfasts are offered for free and include fruit and milk. 

Lunch offers entrée choices and includes a salad/fruit bar where students can select from an array of fruits, vegetables and healthy toppings every day. Look for the Food Services newsletter in the weekly mail.


Parents are encouraged to send children to school with healthy snacks, such as fruit, vegetables or yogurt. Items such as chips, cookies, candy and similar non-nutritive foods are not healthy and are NOT ACCEPTABLE at school. Snacks may be eaten in designated areas only.

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