Board of Education Policy H-6980 indicates students may use cellular phones and other electronic signaling devices on campus before school begins and after school ends. However, these devices must be kept out of sight and turned off or on “silent” mode during the day. Students bring phones/phone devices to school at their own risk.
Birney Elementary is not responsible for lost or stolen phones and personal devices.
- Cell phones/personal devices must be out of sight (in backpacks) and turned off.
- Cell phones/personal devices which are turned on or in view will be confiscated.
- After 1st warning, parent will need to pick up cell phone in the front office.
- Students may not use their devices to talk, text, take pictures, video record, play games, use social media, or listen to music during school hours.
- Students may not use their cell phones/personal phone devices during school hours for any reason.
- Cell phones and personal phone devices may only be used before and after school. They should not be used to taking pictures, listening to music, recording videos, playing games, or using social media on school grounds.
- Smartwatches fall under the same rules. If a student uses a device, it will confiscated.
- Valuable items, including jewelry, electronics, or other devices, should not be brought to school.
- The school is not responsible for phones, personal devices, or other valuables if lost or stolen.